Green Hydrogen Study and Networking Tour
Green Hydrogen Study and Networking Tour
Training Dates 09/09/2024 - 13/09/2024
Training Location Brisbane, Australia

South Asian nations face the dual challenge of meeting growing energy demand while transitioning to cleaner and more sustainable low-cost energy sources. Unless clean technologies are deployed, energy-related GHG emissions from Bangladesh, Bhutan, the Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka will rise from about 58 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2005 to about 245 million in 2030, largely due to rising energy consumption by industry and transport. Green hydrogen can be a promising solution to reduce carbon emission, provide energy security, power storage and generation, meet transport energy demand and support sustainable economic and social development.

SARIC Green Hydrogen Study and Networking tour will provide a valuable opportunity to share learnings from the Australian and international experience.

This 1-week study and networking tour aims to:

  • Enhance knowledge and address skill gaps reported by projects of the World Bank and IFC leading to holistic capacity building of the participants relating to green hydrogen production and use, particularly in relation to regulation, financing and development of industry ecosystem
  • Increase senior executive understanding and support from across all SARIC priority countries, both government and private sector, in green hydrogen production
  • Provide participants with increased knowledge and exposure to a wider set of relationships, including with Australian industry and government
  • Encourage participants from the region to absorb knowledge and good practice and to work together across borders
  • Ensure best use of Australian expertise to contribute to the development of individuals and institutions concerned with regional connectivity by leveraging Australian universities or training institutions expertise

The study tour will be built around the themes covered in the Asia-Pacific Hydrogen Summit and Exhibition which concludes the weeklong program. It will encompass end-to-end hydrogen supply chain considerations, government regulation and policy, and industry learnings from the early-stage development of hydrogen industry in Australia.

Day 1: University hosted Masterclass (9th September)

Topics include:

  • Electrolyser research and development
  • Renewable energy transmission
  • Hydrogen refuelling infrastructure for heavy vehicles
  • Sustainable Aviation Fuels
  • Social license and how to engage community in development
  • Skills development
Day 2 & 3: Potential site visits & meetings with the government (10th & 11th September )
  • Guided tour of operating hydrogen production facility
  • Visit to Self-contained hydrogen powered energy storage unit that provides small scale on-site production of green hydrogen
  • Meeting with Queensland Government hydrogen development unit – to gain understanding of Queensland governments approach to facilitating development
  • Visit to Wildfire energy, waste (non-recyclable land fill) to energy (syngas CO + H2) facility
  • Others
Day 4 & 5: Asia Pacific Hydrogen Summit and Networking (12th & 13th September)
  • The summit is supported by the Queensland and Australian Government with a program developed by the Australian Hydrogen Council and support from Austrade
  • It will offer an opportunity to understand some of Australia and the worlds larger scale hydrogen projects and the government policy that supports these developments
  • In addition to the technical presentations, SARIC will collaborate with Austrade and DFAT to ensure the delegation is offered networking opportunities
  • A networking event will be hosted by SARIC

To know more about to the summit, click here

Through a combination of conference participation, technical masterclass, site visits, meetings and interactions with Australian experts, government agencies and private businesses, extended by within-group discussion, participants will benefit from:

  • Increased awareness of the international experience in developing green hydrogen industry and the elements needed to establish an internationally competitive hydrogen sector
  • Skill and knowledge enhancement on issues critical to planning, developing, regulating and financing green hydrogen developments
  • Understanding of enabling policies and regulations designed to support hydrogen industry development
  • Relationships and networking that fosters coalitions and a greater willingness within government to explore new ways of working